I've always been a fan of Cupcakes. There's just a very melancholic feeling every time I take a little bite of it. It has this soothing taste that calms you and energizes you completely. I know I am not making any sense here but if you are an ultimate fan of cupcakes, you would simply understand.
Back when I was studying Culinary, I would stop by at this Cupcake store every time 1.) When I perfected a score in my major exams, 2.) When I did miss a point or two thus not giving me a perfect score in exams, 3.) When I feel stressed out from school, 4.) When I get upset with anything, like about how my day ends, 5.) When I am super happy that I would celebrate it with me, myself and I. And it goes on and on...
I have been a fan of her cupcakes (Cupcakes by Sonja) every since I first tried it and no other cupcake store could beat hers. I tried the most famous ones in the states, but I was disappointed. Cupcakes by Sonja are just so delicious and lovely.
So, I tried to make cupcakes over the years but I never did like the outcome. There was always a flaw but of course others couldn't tell, but I could easily know what it was, from frosting to the base... But it was exactly a week before my 26th birthday that I made a Chocolate Cupcake with Chocolate frosting that made me so delightful. I never tasted it, I just brought it to my cousin's house for we had a little tea party and to my surprise, they all couldn't get enough of it. They loved it! So, I tasted it for myself and found a wonderful creation that I just made. I was so happy!

That is the reason why I am calling it, Chocolate Surprise. :)