Monday, January 12, 2015

Giving Thanks for the year that was.

There’s so much to be thankful for this year. And before the year will come to an end gracefully, I just want to thank God and the universe for all the moments collected so that I will never ever forget them dearly.

Thank you Dear Jesus for the gift of life. Julia has just turned two and she has yet to live life beautifully in the years to come.

Thank you Dear Jesus for the good news. Last November, Julia's geneticist told us to never label her with achondroplasia ever again. She did Julia's measurement, from head to toe and again and again just to be certain. She is strongly convinced that Julia could just be having another form of skeletal Dysplasia but not achondroplasia. My heart wept for joy when she uttered those words deep but precise. She mentioned that it is unfair to Julia to be judged when she's not. I stopped using the hashtag achondroplasia to be fair to Julia, rather I used the hashtag little julia from that day on. For what it's worth, I have made so many friends from Mama's with babies having achondroplasia and they're the best support system I have up to this very day. I look up to them and they inspire me so much about life and more. 

Thank you Dear God for the simple pleasures of life. They come and go. Now you see them, at times you don't. I have decided that starting today, I will see it always on two perspectives. One being how pleasurable it is, the other, being positive about it. Negativity doesn't get you anywhere. It doesn't bring food to the table nor does it do good to your health. It does however bring you those dull looking lines all over your face. I will allow myself to be consumed with all the positive energy and promise to radiate it back to the world. 

Thank God for flowers and how they candidly wither in a beautiful way. Up to this day, fresh flowers surround my room, my bathroom and my kitchen at my Mama's house. They need not be fancy, just as long as they're watered, they will bloom like no other. 

Thank you Lord for the Christmas blessings. My kitchen was totally packed with orders big and small. I made hundreds of dozens cookies which I all made happily even in the strongest of times. Then there were bars, the cakes, the cheesecakes and the cupcakes too. 

Along came the Christmas presents that I happily started shopping this May. Thank you Lord for providing us the means to give. It is only by giving to others that we learn the real meaning of joy. Next year, I plan to start my shopping earlier to give more time and to share more to others. God will provide as He always does.

And lastly, thank you Dear God for the gift of family. For being there when support is uncalled for. For being a helping hand when the strongest of time came on and on. For the feelings that never tire of ones news, good or bad. This year has been especially colorful. I'd like to think that one day, everything will return to what it used to be, joyful and complete. Dear God, I shall ask you for one more wish this year, and it is thru prayer that I shall say this wish. I pray for peace. I pray for forgiveness. And most of all, I pray for love to reign over our hearts, reign over pride and greed. For it is always love that surrounds us completely, and I am certain that one day it will see us through and bring us together once again all for the same reason, simply because of love. 

Happy 2015 to all!

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