Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Before your 9th month comes to an end...

When all of the universe seem to be in a deep sleep, I remain awake and always in awe as I watch you sleep in my arms. This time, you flash a smile that's shy and gentle and then comes another big one giving all you've got. I wonder what you must be dreaming or better yet what your angel has whispered into your ears at this very moment...

Oh sweet child of mine! As your 9th month comes to an end, I proudly say how beautiful you've become. You and your sister makes me so proud, makes me feel so wonderful about life and love. 

This month you've become so feisty that you would scream in a one big "ahhh..." once Julia grabs things from you, ultimately demanding for her to give it back which she submits seconds and at times minutes after. She tells me she's scared of you and how you stare at her. And how I giggle in her mischiefs! 

You've been cruising from short distances which makes me think that in no time you will be able to walk soon. How I love to see your strong and lean legs walk from end to end! You seem to be confident and proud of your own pace. 

I'm so happy when you seem to be wanting Daddy when you see him. When you let a soft cry once he doesn't mind you. When you clutch your legs into his knees so he moves not. Oh how sweet that is of you, Sabel!

And how reassuring and loving it is when you call me "mama" in the middle of the room making me so happy. When nanny comes and you desperately lock yourself into my arms makes me want to carry you all the more. 

Oh dear, Sabel this month has been filled with so much stumbles and boo boos as you've become the active baby that you are now. Sometimes I wonder if you are a baby boy trapped in a baby girl's body. Please be careful my love. Slow down if you need to. 

It won't be long anymore and you will be turning one. And how I feel emotional as time goes by so fast. 

Always be cheerful to everyone Sabel. May you continue to sparkle and bring joy to others especially to Julia. May you be each other's person as you grow up together. 

I love you to the moon and back!


Friday, August 12, 2016

On your 8th month...

Dearest Sabel,

Now that your 8 months old, I can definitely and proudly say how beautiful you've blossomed to be. 
You carry yourself with complete calmness that I for one am envious how a baby can do such thing. You respond to all qualms of the world with your biggest and sweetest smile thus melting the hearts of many especially mine. I really pray you will forever remain that way.

You smile to your sister's gentle voice and you always let out a loud chuckle when she cries, perhaps in your own little way that's how you comfort her.

You gave us quite the scare this month when you got sick for a span of two weeks. You have fever, cough and colds all together. Still, you were the calmest sick baby I've ever met. You were as patient as I needed you to be. Thank you, Sabel for showing me how to extend my patience in every little way you can.

Before the month ends, you've grown two bottom teeth. You look so cute when you flash your smile and your teeth comes to display. 
You've become the master crawler and I am always delighted with your skills and how adventurous you are. You never fear danger and I do hope you'll always be careful. When you stand and let go of both hands, my tummy gives me a funny scary feeling and yet you burst up in smiles and laughter shifting my mood yet again. 

Always be our sweet girl and please don't grow up so fast...

I love you always,

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