Dearest Clara,
First of all, let me tell you how time really flies. I am so proud that the past four months have been beautiful, messy, tiresome, grueling at times and always worthwhile with you. I am so proud because we survived our time without a nanny. Our day to day experience is an adventure on its own. And from those days, I've mastered the change of you. A lot of changes to be exact. From your sleeping patterns, your favored sleeping position and the transformation of your gentle coos and ahhhs to major giggle and laughs which has been my favorite milestone of you this month.
Your smile that keeps coming always keeps me going. Your chuckle that excites me more than it excites you. And your big eyes that twinkle and does all the wonders.
You've grown so much this month and you are so cute as you can be.
You are the chunkiest baby amongst my daughters.
Like Julia, you've got eyes that twinkle and just like Sabel, you are a sweet baby. Like your sisters, you love bathing time and it makes you happy. Please continue to be a good baby to Mama and let's survive our nanny-less lives together.
Keep your beautiful smiles coming my love.
Always and forever,