Wednesday, April 27, 2011


It is scorching hot these days. It somehow makes it agonizing to take afternoon naps as the humid weather breaks it even.

I have a confession. I totally love this scorching hot season we call SUMMER. As everyone tweets and as everyone post shout outs to their facebook page as to how warm it is day by day, I smile thinking and keeping silently to myself how I am loving this kind of weather.

I adore summer and its beauty. I have learned to love the rain but I just don’t do cold weather. It makes me sick to the bones.

Summer is definitely here.

I was out and about in the ocean yesterday as a tiny jelly fish kind of sucked my cheek. It is pretty swollen now but I know it will go away or so I hope it will, but it really doesn’t matter as I was in my favorite dwelling place – the sea. I can stay under the midday sun as long as I want to but nowadays I have been reminded about the dangers of skin cancer and how it makes you undeniably ugly. I am careful now.

The sunset hues would vary day to day, it gets darker as it sets, meaning there are more sunny days ahead. And how lovely is that. One of these days, I will go on and take wonderful snapshots of the bay and will share it here.

Am I the only person who loves Summer?


  1. Nice one Ric. :) I was smiling while I was reading. :) And just like you, the cold and I don't really mix well. So I love Summer as well. :)

  2. Oh that it just great. People close to me hates the heat Summer brings. :)

    Thanks Marms. :)


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