Tuesday, December 17, 2013

My baby turns ONE.

And it all came to this day…
When you are a year older and perhaps it is timely to say that I became wiser that I became your Mama.

I’ve been tossing and turning underneath my sheets as I try to remember all that it came to be. All that it was back when you were just a two-double lined strip test. I can probably write a book from how you came to be in this life but I shall do that in another lifetime.
Sometimes, I find myself staring at you, most especially at your sleep and I find myself giggling and giggling some more in between sobs. Oh Julia! You are finally a year old. How amazing is that?! I can’t believe that you are a big little girl already. I can’t believe that you are ONE.

When I found out that I was pregnant with you, I prayed to God everyday. I thanked Him for you. And I prayed to Him for you to become normal, healthy, happy, God-fearing and a beautiful baby girl. I always thank God now that you are here. I thank Him for the gift of life He bestowed you with. I thank God for you always. He blessed me with the most beautiful baby and that’s you… Daddy and I are the luckiest parents ever.

You have bloomed to be a beauty now that you are one.
I smile proudly when one comes asking how many teeth does she have now?  I proudly say, eight. When one asks what kind of food you eat, I straightforwardly tell them, anything. Because you absolutely eat anything, and for that I am one lucky Mama.

Have I told you that you are getting prettier each day?

Have I told you that you have the most beautiful eyes we’ve ever seen? Eyes that lit up each time you smile; eyes that are wandering and full of charm.

Have I told you that you are the smartest one year old I know?

Have I told you that you are a charming and bubbly baby?

Have I told you that you surely have mastered the art of dancing? Oh Julia! You have the funniest and happiest dance moves there is. I never imagined you could dance like that. At any given sound, you inevitably sway your hips like a belly dancer.

Have I told you that you can sit up straight already? And when you are tired, you hang by loosely with the biggest grin there is.

Have I told you that you look like Daddy all the more? You are his mini-me.

Have I told you that so many people love you? Some of which I do not even know of.

Have I told you that at night, you gently roll over (just an inch away) by my side to sleep?

Have I told you that you survived the strongest typhoon in the world? In that case, you are one mighty and brave little girl.

The whole year seemed like the longest trip to me. It will be one of the most remembered years of Mama’s life because there was you. You, who brought all the sunshine to our dull and gloomy days. You, who made us smile despite all the tragedy we had to get by. You, with the sweetest smile, would melt so many hearts at once. And you, yes you, the love of our lives…

In a dream I had once, I realized that maybe, just for a second, when the stars were aligned, that we were destined to be together. That you would become my daughter and that I, would become your Mama. You are home to me. You are home to Daddy and I. You may not know it yet, but in time you will come to know how you’ve brighten up our lives.

I love you all the time,


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