Tuesday, July 9, 2013

To my extraordinary girl, Julia!

I can’t imagine you are 7 months old already.
By now, people will start to stare and ask how old you are. I straightaway tell them you are 7 months old and some would bashfully say, “She’s cute” as if indirectly saying you are small. Some would gossip into each other’s ear, and for some maternal instinct, I know they are just prying and just want to find out what and why.

Dearest Julia,

Let me begin by saying that God has made each of us special. Special in the sense that each one of us is different from others, no two people will ever be the alike. You are extraordinary. Daddy and Mama were chosen to be your parents and for that we are deeply blessed.  We are grateful to God for giving you to us. You are our angel. You mean the world to us. You are our little girl. Always and forever.

Please don’t mind people who will stare or ask. They are just curious. They just want to find out how special you are.

Once and for all, I shall tell them about you…

You are the most beautiful thing that came out to life on the 8th of December.
You are indeed small. But I don’t see anything wrong with that.
Doctors told Mama and Daddy that you will be the cutest little bundle of joy.
When Mama was 7 months pregnant, Daddy and Mama knew already about you. We were praying fervently to God and to Mama Mary for a miracle and that is for you to grow while in Mama’s womb. You see Julia; the doctors found out that there was a delay in the growth of your long bones – your arms and legs for that matter. But don’t you worry Julia. That’s just all.
Everyday, Mama and Daddy would pray and would hear mass, offering to God for a miracle to happen.
During Mama’s 40th week, still, the delay could be vividly seen on the scans, there was no miracle, no change at all but then there was you, moving around – I can tell you were possibly shy at that time as you would continuously shield your face with your tiny hands. Some were sad to be honest. Others felt sorry. But I am not. Why should I be? Some would say that everything would be okay - And they were spot-on right!
But little did I know that God has another plan, another purpose for you. I never thought that all of this would come to happen. God has a reason for making you the way you are and for that I won’t dare to ask nor complain.
Today, I have realized that all along as we were praying for a miracle to happen, it already did and we just missed it coming, it somehow didn’t cross my mind…

Today, I realized that YOU were that MIRACLE we were praying for. You arms and legs may not have grown but that really doesn’t matter to us. You can still make use of them. You can still write and paint. You can still do tap dancing or swimming. You can still reach for that star. You can still walk that long and winding road. It doesn’t make you a less of a person just because you are small. It doesn’t make you a less of a person just because you wont grow as tall as Daddy and Mama. You are wonderful already as of now. The miracle was YOU and how extraordinary you are!

Julia, time will come that your playmates would grow so tall and you on the other hand will remain small. Please don’t feel bad. Always remember that you are special and you are created that way. You are our angel.
Others may call you names and some might even hurt your feelings as they do stare, and again – I remind you darling, just let them be. Just smile. The world will not crumble just because you failed to grow as tall as them.

The world is a beautiful place and I want you to explore it as you grow up. Daddy and Mama will be with you all the way. We will guide you and support you. We will take your hand and lead you where you want to be, Julia.

At 7 months, you are undoubtedly small but you are a giant in your own little way.
You eat like a big girl already with the likes of squash, carrots, potato, sweet potato, zucchini, monggo bean, rice, banana and avocado among others.
You got your ears pierced recently making you a girly girl. You are so pretty with your stud and even though you became so angry at the doctor’s clinic, you are still lovely in every way.
You have teeth! - Two on the lower side. How amazing is that? I still am in awe every time you flash that sweetest smile of yours and then your teeth glows.
You have the loudest squeal! When you so scream, you don’t stop.
How everyone loves you! You are the star, as Lola Rita would say as you constantly come in with a huge flower on your head. You are fashionable in every way and Mama will make sure that you will always look pretty.

That’s all for now love.

I love you to the moon and back!


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