Wednesday, August 28, 2013

On your 8th month and more...

Dearest Julia,

This month has been nothing but great! I do not know where to begin and I do not know how to end it with… But Mama will try my very best to tell you all that has come to happen as you turn 8 months old.

We travelled to Cebu to visit a geneticist for your sake. We want to be not just good parents but the best parents there is for you my dearest. So, we journeyed all together as you had your very first out of town trip. We took the fast craft to Cebu and I can tell you were pretty much thrilled because you never took a nap before heading to the pier. You were all smiles as you scrutinized everyone. I honestly do not know where you got that. I say the trip was happy.

We took a series of tests and examinations for your bones. My darling, you were always in tears as they expected you thoroughly. But like I always tell you my love, this is all for your sake, for your own good later. But even in that deepest and tiring mood you have you still manage to smile at us. You make it seem easy for everyone, Julia, especially me, your Mama.

As we approached your 8th month, you grew 4 teeth on the upper side and you were a little fidgety for a day but it all disappeared right away. You are one mighty baby!

Weeks have passed as we desperately waited for your results. I prayed to God and Mama Mary for everything to be okay.

It was a Monday, when Mama got the email from your doctor about your skeletal survey. Trying to be scientific and all, I knew there was something wrong with one of the slides. Your doctor said to see an Orthopedic Pediatrician, as she was concerned primarily about your pelvis. Deep breathe. Oh dear.

I googled and tried to find the nearest doctor there is for us to visit again. God must have seen my worried face that He sent us an angel, and there I found the one that would check on you next…

We met up with that very doctor on a Monday. He told Daddy and Mama that you needed surgery. Deep breathe again… We decided to have it done right away so as not to waste any time. Julia, always remember that time like life is gold and uncertain.

Your surgery lasted for a good 3 hours. You were at the recovery room for another good 3 hours. I sat along with the doctors there as I carried you and your heavy cast in my arms. There were all these lifelines on you and I remained composed for you. I had to be so you’ll be strong and calm as well. I cradled you and sang Hail Mary as you slept peacefully. Oh my love, my heart was like crying out. If only I could take all the pain you were going through. I wouldn’t want you to feel anything uncertain or I don’t want to cause distress on you. But as your doctor said, this is all for you. If we don’t do this, then you cannot walk properly and time will come that your hip will hurt so much in your later life and there is nothing we can do about it already. There will be better and brighter days, Julia. And you shall walk tall as you journey the beautiful days of your life.

We all are in awe of your mighty being. The day after your surgery, you smiled, laughed and even entertained every visitor that came towards you. The only thing that bothered you was the oxygen tube on your cute nose and everyone that came in with white clothes.

Fast forward to now as I write this…

It’s been 2 weeks after your surgery and I still find it unbelievable that you seem not bothered by your cast. I call your cast my ‘frenemy’. But because of your high spirits and kind heart, its not that hard after all. You are one strong little girl, Julia. Mama is just so proud of you! You are the bravest baby I have ever seen. I wonder where you got that from my dear?

You slept peacefully on the morning of your surgery.

Just before surgery.

With Daddy and Mama before wheeling you out the room on to the OR.

At the recovery room with your Anesthesiologist. 

At the recovery room.

Julia's hip spica application.

A day after surgery and you are all smiles.

I love you!

With your awesome doctor - Dr. Leo Jiao III.

Just about to check out at the hospital. Look at you. Need I say more?

You are asleep now as Mama writes this and I couldn’t help but notice that even in your deepest sleep you still amaze me. Your beauty radiates like the sun and your smile is intoxicating. You smile even in your sleep. I know that God’s army of angels is surrounding you with joy and laughter as you sleep. You are simply adorable my baby love. I know some day, you will read everything that I have prepared for you, you will understand why and you’ll probably want to know more, someday, you will find all of these stories and laugh on it and perhaps even hate me for doing so but I know this is the only way so that someday, I know that you will remember me.

I love you, Julia!



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