Sunday, January 26, 2014

Island Melancholy.

It was November of 2008 when I first rode a plane with two complete strangers (well not really) en route to the beautiful island of Guam for internship. One who was all smiles and giddy as he was reading a love letter written by his girlfriend when he boards the plane and the other one who was sobbing a little because she already missed home perhaps or so I remember and then there was I, who was excited and a bit fearful all together.

Who knew that we would get along pretty well?

My first ever shot of Joana at Inarajan Bay. Isn't she lovely?

The whimsical Jerome showing off his first love for ballet.

Who's that girl? What have I done to her body? Laughs.

Christmas 2008. All three of us were a thousand miles away from home, but, nevertheless, we had a worthwhile holiday that year because we had each other…

Then all came the rest of the bunch…

And there was this Chinese guy whom we all thought would be very finicky but then he ended up making us all laugh in a jiffy. He was the ladies man. He was our comic relief at times.

At the PHARE Competition.

WIne Rally 2010.

We won! 
And there came this bubbly girl who had the sweetest tooth ever, her name was Sherry. She also had so many stories to tell. I knew from her school and so we got along pretty well too.

Wine Rally 2010.

At Jeff's Pirate Cove the moment I went back to Guam for work.

At Ritidian Beach 2010.

Then there were three boys (Aljay, Geremiah and Dong) who came on separate trips. They all have each other stories to tell.

Geremiah, Tedi, Aljay, myself (my skinny self many moons ago) and Sherry at Haagen Daaz. Here we are with Tedi, our best buddy on the island.

Geremiah, Dong, Julius (one of our closest friend) and I at Outrigger.

And there was this sweet girl, whom I instantly connected on a beach day out. We lay there on the sand exchanging each other’s life stories. Oh how I was moved with hers…

At Tumon Bay beach.
A photo with Nadine on my 25th birthday. 

And this happy lady came along too with all butterflies in her tummy just because. But I must tell you that she is the happiest NOW as she just became a new and blushing bride.

Oh Vida! I couldn't get a more decent photograph of us but this. Geremiah, Dong, Vida and I at Yellow Cab.

Some of the things that I probably miss…

Being in a place of solitude.

Fire Trees.

Watabe's Sukiyaki.

The tartness of this beauty.

Blooming Teas among others. 

Everybody's favorite.

Sandy toes and long beach walks.

The most beautiful beach I've seen.

All the glorious sunsets - always fleeting.

These two. I miss them oh-so-much.

We all got along. We made memories together. We had the time of our lives.

During my wedding of October 2011 where all the girls finally meet and exchange stories.

Fast forward to today, nearly 4 years has passed and we still are friends. And I know, someday, we still and shall be.

The first three. 

Ryan, Sherry, Joana, Jerome and I.

Jerome is now happily married and his wife cannot wait to get pregnant. They will be both residing in Australia soon as Jen fixes her papers.

Joana is a happy wife of JR. They will soon be having their bundle of joy a few months from now on – a girl. She hosted our mini-reunion in their lovely home.

I cannot wait for you to become a Mommy!

Ryan has become a loving husband to Belle who just got pregnant weeks before we had met. How exciting for this 2 month old newly-wed. And finally for Ryan, finally…

Sherry has claimed that this year will be hers. She will find her prince and shall bake him cake. She and I are mighty survivors of the recent Yolanda typhoon.

Here we are with Little Miss Julia.

Belle, Ryan, Sherry, Joana, Jerome, Jen and I.

Nadine just bought a cat and is happily single. She now teaches Pastry and has the cutest sugar creations to boost.

Vida just got married and is oh-so-happy with her life. She smiles from ear to ear as she speaks of her hubby and rekindle their story.

And I, with my daughter, Julia, who is always in tow, can never be happier and contented. All I wish for, is for us to reunite as often as we can, so as Nadine would put it, she felt warm and fuzzy the whole day as we chit chatted over waffles and cranberry bread one morning.

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