Saturday, April 7, 2012

Asking myself.

The sweetness of doing nothing.

The pleasing sound you hear from the birds outside your window.

The lovely gestures of a loved one.

Everything happens for a reason; like everyone would say.

And although I may have all the comfors at home, love in the world, the joy of waking up each morning and the simple pleasures from day to day, I cannot help myself but ask why?

Why amidst all the joys there is despair?

Why despite the happiness there is always a trace of sadness written all over?

Why me?

Why should this happen?

I already said I cannot dare complain, and I am not, will never ever do so…

But all I ask is why?

Why do things happen? Is there a myriad of reasons for every uncertainty I have?

Will everything be okay in the end?

Will I go through all the pain again?

I ask myself now. I will dwell on this today. Tomorrow, I will move on.

Let it be done according to Your word, Oh Lord.

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