Thursday, April 22, 2010


Having lunch at home is pretty boring. It feels so sad when you eat alone. I usually finish in 3 to 5 minutes. But oh well, I have a little flower with me...

I bought Garlic Bread at Sbarro and I made a simple pasta dish with lots of Garlic and Tomatoes. That's it. Lunch is served.

How is your Lunch today?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Praying for Peace.

The slowest of times makes you want to drop down on to your knees and clasp your hands, bringing them close to your heart and plead to God of the busy days ahead that is yet to come will just go smooth.

Perhaps some are praying for rainfall, for the drought has much affected their harvest, the bread and butter that are roughly going down, not for too long I hope.

Maybe some are praying for the sun to shine, for the cold has made them numb inside and out. Just a little warmth, more like a complete and tight embrace is fine. Just a little dose of sunshine...

Some people might be praying for love to move towards their way. For all we know, maybe it just had passed them by. Too late I must say... But worry no more for it will just happen. Love happens.

Some people are praying for their wishes to come true because they had just shattered their dreams away, gone with the cold wind on a hot summer’s day.

What are you praying for?

I am praying for PEACE.

Peace of mind, body and spirit

More so peace for the dreadful days to come, nobody knows what unerringly is going to happen. But for sure it will be hideous, as always. It could be better but it could be worse too.

Times like these remind me that there is a God. He listens.

So let me begin now, for its now or never at all...

I’m falling down to my knees, clasping my hands, bringing them closer to my heart so He will know what’s inside...

Can Peace reign on May?

Imagine all the people
Living life in peace.
You may say I'm a dreamer,
But I'm not the only one.
I hope someday you'll join us,
And the world will be as one.
John Lennon

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Life on Tuesdays.

I literally have life every Tuesdays. It’s the only day of the week that I have the entire day for myself. It’s my day off. The rest of the days are like dead. And because I am a very morning person, working at night is the greatest torture in the world for me. I am just dysfunctional past work. I simply die in my soft white sheets right after making my nightly report which I email my boss on a nightly basis. And then I wake up and all over again thinking, it’s a brand new day, same old routine...
I always look forward for that very day when I can go to the beach, eat wherever and whatever, and just relax. My boyfriend would always say that I should rest but I don’t want to. I have this thought that whenever I am off, I should fully spend it outside and not just sitting, waiting, wishing I had gone out mode. Otherwise, I will realize by the end of the day that it was another day wasted. For some reason, that has lingered into my mind ever since last year. I mean what’s the point of having a day off and just spend it lousily on your bedroom, staring at blank and just do nothing. It spells a capitalized boredom all over.
So, on Tuesdays I decided to just have fun. Since it’s almost every Tuesdays that I get my day off and so if my friends are also free then we all decide to hit off the beach or watch a movie and eat out and do just about anything...
Here are some snippets of a lovely Tuesday...

I have to get my golden tan back with the help of these.
Men in Speedos...


My friend JL. She looks like Phoemela Barranda.

Tedi Mary.

Sherry Berry. So fresh, vibrant and happy in love.

I wish...

I could have one of these too. It'll be a little flower.

Simply me.

*What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity.*

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dream Room.

I am dreaming of a workplace like this. A roomful of these pretty little things that can make me strangely happy and excited on a weary and awful day. It's like a mini-store of bits and bobs.

I will dream more...

*Dreams are the wish your heart makes...*

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Last Song.

You must watch this movie so you will be able to.....

see how this two real-life couple creates magic in a film and...

to get a lot of glimpse of this truly handsome man.

Oh boy...

I heart you Liam.

Miley, can I borrow your boyfriend?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Wall.

I sense that WALLS like battlements enclose their own stories. It’s eerie that I may possibly have thought about that so but it is how it is. I walked into this wall in a parking lot. I was immediately fixed to its insignificant colour and charm. Don’t get me off beam as I am not insane. I am just fascinated in this ordinary thing that in some way finds itself magical in my very eyes.

Perhaps this wall had a cheerful story for it made me leap for joy.

*Where can we find happiness? Happiness is not found in a tranquil life free of storms and tempests. Real happiness is found in the struggles we undergo to realize our goals, in our efforts to move forward.*


Oh how I love flowers... I love lilies as well. It is such an eye-catching object. It charms me. It fills me with pleasure.

I saw these lilies at a Thai Restaurant along Tumon Bay. Their food is fantastic. I will blog on that once I get to take bits and bobs of the place.

But for now, check out their lovely lilies...

Bee. Caught in the Act.

*Gardens can grow in tiny places.*

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