Monday, January 7, 2013

A month old.

Hello world!

I can't believe that now, I am a mother. As I write this, I am staring at my little girl, sound asleep in my arms, completely mesmerized by her beauty and all the lovely gestures she makes. I can stare at her all the day and night, not getting tired nor exhausted. Somehow, all the pain and doubts of the past are gone because of her presence. She is truly a bundle of joy and I won't stop thanking God for her. She made my life better in just a span of a month. She will make my days brighter and more meaningful.

Bonding with her everyday is just beautiful. Her smiles are heavenly soothing. I tell her stories and she makes this tiny oohs and ahhs as though affirming my every word. Her cheeks are so red, I call her our little tomato. Oh Julia! Mama cannot wait for you to become bigger. We will conquer the world together and I know in a gentle and loving way, you will shake the world.

Bathing with Mamita.  

Little toes that Mama loves to touch.

Happy 1 Month Old Julia! :)


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