Tuesday, February 19, 2019

December hullabaloo.

The Christmas holiday is undoubtedly the busiest days of my life, as always every year, I never learn.

This 2019, I swore to myself, that it would be different. As I plan to start my Christmas shopping as early as January which by the way – I completely did (90% done). And by March, start-wrapping presents so that I can fully embrace what December can bring.

Last December, I tortured myself with settling in my in-laws lovely ancestral home, holiday shopping, laundry, planning meals, running a household, adulting and most of all, accepting Christmas orders that lasted until mid-January. I am not complaining though. There is still so much to be thankful for. But there are times that the body couldn’t simply achieve what the mind dictates for it to be. A lot of busy Mamas out there can very well relate to this.  Sometimes we wish there are more days to our week.

The buttery smell I can endure, it is what I long for as I watch the days go by recipe after recipe not knowing when to stop nor when to take a break just because I simply enjoy what I do.

I thought I could be superwoman but NO. I can certainly not be her.

My all time best seller, Moist Cheese Cupcakes. 
It lives up to its name. Perfectly moist and tasty.
I think I probably made almost 3,000 pieces of this sweet treat during the Holiday season.

My husband Jules would sneak recipe after recipe when he is around the kitchen. The good old fashioned Oatmeal and Chocolate Chip Cookies never disappoint anybody, young or old.

Every December, it’s forever the same hullabaloo but I never learn. So that is basically why I am waddling up things a bit so that once December arrives, I can relish that cup of coffee whilst cozying up as the sun sets with my cookie leftovers.


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