Wednesday, February 15, 2012


It's been a week and a day since I have been in a complete bed rest. I eat most of the time in bed too by the little table Jules set up for me. Most of the days, I eat alone in the bedroom. Sometimes, I wonder if I could just go out for awhile and get some sun. I am pale and when it does happen, I look sickly. 

Today, I dream of having my meals outdoor, out in the sun, or simply out where there's a breath of fresh air.  


This would be my favorite. It would be nice to take a book and just lounge on this wooden chair with Sweet Tea in tow. The view is just spectacular.



  1. i love the 1st one! =) keep your posts coming girly!

  2. Thanks a lot GIrl! :) I am so bored! I can't wait for your Cebu post. :) xoxo


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